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UK Insurance Step 5 - Invoicing & Payments šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§

Weā€™ve broken this guidance up into small, digestible chunks. Youā€™ll find links to the other steps at the bottom of the page.

If youā€™ve followed along with all five sections of this series, we are well and truly on the home straight now šŸ

In this final section, weā€™ll cover the following:

Letā€™s get started.

How to launch an insurance portal

If the insurance company youā€™re working with uses an online billing portal, and you added a link to that portal when Setting up your Insurers, itā€™s nice and easy to launch it from your diary.

Click the appointment in your diary, then click on the name of the insurance company in blue text, just below the ā€œArriveā€ button:

The patientā€™s policy information will open up over your diary, and you can click the blue Launch Portal button from there:

Youā€™ll have full access to the patientā€™s policy information and insurance invoices in Jane, with a smaller pop-up window displaying the insurance portal. Hereā€™s an example of the two side-by-side:

How to save or print an insurance invoice

There are a number of ways to do this, depending on where you are in your account. You can access an individual insurance invoice from your Diary, a Patient Profile, the Claim Submissions folders, or from an Insurer Folder.

In this example, Iā€™m in the diary, and Iā€™m looking at the Billing Info section of the Appointment Panel. Wherever you are, all you need to do is click on the insurance invoice name/number to open it up.

Then select Print:

You can then choose to physically print the invoice, or save it to your device as a PDF, and send it off to the insurer outside of Jane.

Tracking claim states

Jane has some really helpful administrative features that help you keep on top of your insurance invoices and submissions. Whether you submit the claims through an online portal, or you email/post the invoices off to an insurance company, you can let Jane know when youā€™ve done that.

In the Insurance Info area of the patientā€™s appointment, click the circular dropdown arrow next to their insurance policy details, then click Mark as Submitted:

Awesome, now Jane knows that you have sent the invoice over to the insurance company!

Now, you might be thinking ā€œThatā€™s great for Jane, but how do I know which Iā€™ve sent off, or if there are any I need to follow up on?ā€. Never fear, for Jane keeps track of all insurance invoice states for you, and makes them easy to filter and track.

Head to the Billing tab along the top blue bar in your account, then scroll to the Claim Submissions area:

The numbers in each folder correspond to how many invoices are in each state. In my example above, there are 24 invoices that I havenā€™t marked as ā€œsubmittedā€ yet. There are 340 that have been submitted, but we havenā€™t yet received a payment (or rejection) from the insurance companies.

Letā€™s take a look at the Unsubmitted folder, as these are the invoices we might need to work on, and send off to the relevant insurers. All unsubmitted invoices, for all insurance companies, are grouped together in this folder. Thereā€™s a dropdown arrow at the end of the row for each invoice, which gives you quick access to the relevant insurance policy and invoice.

You can work through those invoices, send them off to the insurers, then highlight multiple lines and mark them all as ā€œSubmittedā€ with a single click:

The same principle is true in each of the other claim submission folders, you can change the state of invoices individually or in bulk, and can move them between folders as needed. Itā€™s possible to record payments in this area too, but weā€™ll move on to our recommended workflow for this in the section below.

Receiving and applying insurer payments

It is possible to receive an insurer payment from an appointment in your diary, the patientā€™s profile/insurance policy, and the claim submissions folder. Anywhere you can view the patientā€™s insurance policy information has a shortcut to Record Payment In Detail, like this example in the diary:

The above works nicely if you receive a single payment from an insurer, linked to a single patientā€™s invoice(s). In the more common scenario that you receive a larger payment, for multiple patients and invoices, youā€™ll want to stick with our recommended workflow below.

Head to Billing > Insurer Invoices > Select the relevant insurer > Click New Payment:

(šŸ‘‰ Side note: Jane tracks all the invoices related to each insurer in these folders. You can view open policies/claims, record payments, and create statements in this area).

Complete the relevant fields. You can enter the date you received the payment, the payment method, the payment amount, and a payment reference number (if applicable). When youā€™ve entered those details, click Next:

Jane will automatically load all the outstanding invoices for that insurer. You can use the Search field to search by patient name, invoice number, or claim/authorisation code to narrow your results. Then, itā€™s just a case of clicking the blue Apply button for each invoice to mark it as paid:

Any invoices that are fully paid are automatically marked as ā€œpaidā€ and ā€œapprovedā€, and moved to the ā€œapprovedā€ claim submission folder for you. Thanks, Jane šŸ™Œ

ā€œWhat about partial payments?!ā€ I hear you ask. Jane has you covered here, too!

If an insurer has paid less than the amount you billed, you can enter that amount in the box for the relevant invoice, then click the Apply button to record a partial payment.

Jane then realises the invoice still has a balance, and asks what youā€™d like to do with the rest? Do you want to write it off, or push that amount over to your patient as their responsibility?

The choice is yours. If you select the ā€œBill to patientā€ option, Jane will pass the entire remaining balance over to them. You can then collect payment from the patient for their responsibility. If youā€™re using Jane Payments, you can send a Pay Balance Email or SMS to encourage them to settle up.

Wrapping up

Phew, we really have covered a lot in these guides. Donā€™t be afraid to get in touch with our lovely team if you have any questions, or if thereā€™s anything youā€™d like to run through together. Weā€™re confident youā€™ll be a seasoned Jane insurance pro in no time at all.

You can navigate to any section of this guidance using the links below:

Written by Jamie - UK Support Team

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