Snapshot Reports (formerly known as Materialized Views) lets you view your reports faster without long loading times or timeout errors that may occur for larger clinics with a lot of data.
🤔 How do Snapshot Reports work?
When Snapshot Reports is enabled, Jane takes a snapshot of your report data overnight, so that when you load the report the next day, Jane retrieves the data a lot faster. The report snapshots will automatically refresh on a nightly basis to make sure your Summary, Transaction, and/or Compensation report data is ready for you to view.
You can also refresh each snapshot report as needed throughout the day to see recent changes like new invoices, new payments, or adjustments to existing purchases and sales.
Snapshot Reports is available for the following reports:
💡 Jane tip: Snapshot Reports can be enabled for all three, or a combination of one or two of the reports above depending on the unique needs of your practice.
This experience will only affect reports that have Snapshot Reports enabled. The rest of your reports will continue to function in real-time without the need for snapshots.
You can tell whether a report has this feature enabled by the banner under the report’s filters. The banner also includes the time the report data was last updated:
⏲️ How can I refresh my data?
Your data gets a nightly refresh, so it’s ready for you each morning. If you need even more up-to-date information, you can always load a fresh version of individual reports at any time by clicking the Generate a Fresh Snapshot Report button:
Loading can take a few minutes but you don’t have to stay on the reports page. Your data will refresh in the background.
If you stay on the reports page, a notification will let you know when your data is ready and you can refresh your browser to see the updated report.
The banner automatically updates with the date and time of the last refresh. All done!
📊 How can I enable this feature?
If you’re experiencing loading issues on any of the reports listed above, your Account Owner can reach out to us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to enable Snapshot Reports for you.