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New Patient Reports

You have a couple of options in Jane for reporting on new patients. The first two options require the staff member to be a Full Access user.

List Report​

​ ​Found in your Reports tab, you can run your List report for the date you’re interested in reporting on. ​

Along the top of the report, you will find filter options you can use to pull up a specific subset of patients. Using the Created Date filter allows you to filter for Patient Profiles created within a certain date range.

📍 Note that the Created Date filter does not necessarily mean the patient had their first appointment within that date range. This filter reflects when a Patient Profile is created which may not be the same date they had their first appointment. They could have booked that first appointment the same day they created their Patient Profile, or 3 months into the future, or they could even have booked and canceled their appointment.

​This report includes email addresses and contact info so it’s a great tool to use if you’re looking to contact patients.


Another option if your looking for just a count of first visits is the dashboard which is the landing page on your Settings tab. ​ ​When run by date range this will show you the number of arrived first visits.

​​If you run it for this month or into the future it will likely be low since the visits aren’t arrived yet, but looking into the past you can see the number of arrived first visits to the clinic. If you run it by practitioner it will still only be showing first visits to the clinic and not first visits to that practitioner.
​ ​This report is good if you want to see the booking pattern of new patients versus returning patients for your clinic as a whole or to see which practitioners are booking more or less of the new patients in the clinic.

Product Performance Report

Depending on how you’ve set up your treatments in Jane, you can use the product performance report to see how many initial visit treatments you have “sold” over a time period.

See more about the Product Performance Report by clicking here.

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