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Uploading an EDI File to Claim.MD

It’s time to submit your claims!

Once you have generated and downloaded some EDI files that are ready for submission, you’ll need to login to your Claim.MD account to upload the files.

If you have not yet generated an EDI file for submission in Jane, hop over to this guide to learn how:

EDI Claim Submission

Uploading the EDI File in Claim.MD

Claim.MD has a super handy Need Help? button found at the bottom left of your account, where you can access a walk through of each step to uploading an EDI file. 🙌

We’ve also included the full walk through images of each step below:

  1. Start by logging into your Claim.MD account.

  2. Click Upload Files

  3. Select the EDI file from your device to upload.

  4. Click Upload Selected File.

  5. A summary of the claims you’ve uploaded will now be listed here. Click the Manage Claims button to review your uploaded files.

  6. This page displays any Rejected Claims and Pending Approval Claims. Click the View Claims button to review, edit and correct any rejected claims.

  7. Click on a patient to view the claim.

  8. View the claim errors and make any needed corrections.

  9. Once the claim is valid, and no errors are detected, you can approve the claim submission or continue correcting any additional rejected claims.

  10. Click Approve Transmit to submit these claims to insurance for processing.

  11. Your claims are now submitted! You can check the Manage Claims menu later on to review any rejections or alerts on these claims.

We hope that this is helpful! Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any further questions about EDI files. We’d be happy to guide you in the right direction :)

For any specific questions on using Claim.MD, you can contact their support team directly here: Claim.MD Support

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